September 9, 2006

Connie"s "farewell" letter

My dear ones,

David and I are in the final throes of preparation for our long-
awaited Rt. 66 trip. Our plan is to leave on Tuesday, the 12th, on
what would have been my parents' 69th anniversary.
We are expecting to be gone for about a month. We will have the car
packed to the gills, have the XM radio that Paul gave me cranked up,
have books and CDs and everything else ready to go.

We have tons of information about our route and everything along it.
But I am sure we won't be limited to it or by it. We have been known to
deviate greatly from a chosen path. We will stop when and where we
want. Our only hotel reservation is in Albuquerque for the Balloon
Fiesta in early October. We may travel 20 miles a day or 200. (I
very much doubt that we would ever do much more than that, but who
knows?) We might find something or somewhere that strikes our fancy
and just decide to stay for a couple or few days.

Needless to say, we have no idea if we will get all the way to L.A.
or not. That doesn't seem all that important right now. We believe that IT'S

It is possible that in our wanderings we may get to within shouting
distance of family or friends. If so, we will try to give you a shout and see if
we can come up with anything. Rt. 66 will take us through parts of Illinois,
Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California.

We also hope to get to Arkansas. Course, Utah, Nevada, Colorado are all
not that far away eithe. How about returning through Memphis?)

I expect that we will be able to retrieve e-mail messages every once
in a while, so if you would like to keep in touch that would be fine. I hope,
though, that you will hold on to those "forwards" until we return.

The best way to keep informed about our travels may be to check
David's blog:
He hopes to be able to update it periodically, technology permitting.

Weather and health have been, are, and will be important
considerations, of course. Our final decision about when to leave
was based on the weather forecast for the weekend. I have not had a
vertigo episode since the one in upper New York State on July 5th.
David has felt better in the last couple of weeks than previously,
possibly because of some changes in medications. We are hopeful that
we will be able to maintain our state of relative well-being for the
next month. Or minimally that we both don't get stricken at the same

I am very excited about and really looking forward to this trip, as
is David. Take care and be well.

Love you, Mom/Connie

1 comment:

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