September 27, 2006

Wednesday night

We are at the "Northwest Inn" in Woodward OK. We got here on Route 60, which did go through "cowboy country." Lots of cattle in huge pens. Some oil wells (a few). In Texas, we saw Halliburton's trucks! Spooky--even more so than the UFO stuff around Roswell.

This is kind of off the beaten track. Route 66 and also the interstate are quite a bit to the south. But we will intercept 66 tomorrow, and follow out a porition of it that we missed before.

One of the main sights for today was the Cadillac Ranch, near 66, which is a bunch of cars half buried in the dirt!

Re sleeping. I'm still not doing really well, and have a cough, etc. This morning, I went back to bed after a light breakfast and slept until 10:30 or so. That helped!

Anyhow, Connie and I are trying to take it easy, as best we can.

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Anonymous said...
